Hon Patrick Mariru ,MP Laikipia West Constituency after signing a 3 years partnership with Mentorthon Foundation

Laikipia West Edition launched

Very excited to extend our Partnership on Mentorthon with Hon. Patrick Mariru, Member of Parliament of Laikipia West to work with role models, leaders, students, entrepreneurs from Laikipia to reach high school students.

Born in Elgeyo Marakwet, and now in its 3rd annual edition, Mentorthon (Mentorship Marathon) is a national call to give 42 hours annually to mentor high school students. Our model combines mentors, brands, content, fun and technology to create a platform to inspire, encourage, and develop capacity in young people.

Helping a student stay in school for on additional year, increases their income by 8%- Goalkeepers Report, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Mentorthon helps students develop self- belief and self-control through role modelling, storytelling and content while reversing role Model drain, drive brand engagement and create a value driven volunteering platform. Our model combines mentors, brands, content, fun and technology to create a platform to inspire, encourage, mentor and develop capacity in young people

In 2018 we mentored 7,300 students, worked with 91 schools, 90 mentors, 7 brand partners and had 51 million impressions on twitter in 2018. Mentorthon won SDG Ambassadors Kenya Award in 2018.

Three editions are underway in 2019 as part of our promise to scale this program; Laikipia West Constituency, Elgeyo Marakwet County and Kericho County.

Role Model Drain

As more and more people come out of the village, initially to pursue education, and subsequently opportunities to earn income, most communities, and students experience a role model drain. Young people start to lack role models, of people from the same circumstances that have done reasonably well.

Mentorthon is an effort to reverse role model drain. Role models and mentors spare 42 hours, annually to go back speak to students that look up to them. These amazing personal stories help shape the perspectives of high school students and help them develop self- belief and persistence on their journey to pursue their goals.

Self-Belief and Self-Control

Self- control and inspiring self- belief are some of the most valuable skill /habits– proven scientifically to predict character, incomes, and happiness. Research done at Strathmore University Business School led by Dr. Raul Figueroa and Tim Kipchumba (unpublished) reveals that those young men who participated in Violence in 2007 general elections had a very weak relationship between their effort and the things they desired. We want Mentorthon through all our interventions to increase this belief.

Always Grateful for the Partnerships with our Partners. And we seek more. Join us this 2019. Speak. Mentor. Patner. I am Looking forward to more together this 2019. I am personally grateful for NewKCC, E&Y, Questworks, Geonet, KPLC, Transnational Bank. I am also grateful for the recognition and award from SDG-Ambassador & GoalKeepers.

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