Baringo/Mogotio 6th Edition

Scenes in Mogotio

Mogotio Sub-county in Baringo County, Kenya, is known for its rich cultural diversity, with the Tugen, Pokot, and Ilchamus communities contributing to its vibrant heritage. The local economy is primarily based on livestock farming, including cattle, goats, and sheep. Tourism is also significant, with attractions like the Maji Moto hot springs and wildlife conservancies offering stunning natural beauty and eco-tourism opportunities.

Visit Mogotio

Our Host School

Mogotio Girls

Event Schedule

Saturday, 22nd June 2024
Travel, Road Trip and #TembeaMogotio/Baringo

A chance to bring all Mentors together for an opportunity to connect and experience the breathtaking beauty of Mogotio Sub- County, Baringo County.

Sunday, 23rd June 2024
Mentorship for all Form Four students in Mogotio

One of our primary goals is to raise the mean for all form 4 students seating for their KCSE this year. Here we will undergo an extensive and productive mentorship program with 3,000+ form 4 students.

Our 2024 Partners

Our Target

In 2024, we plan to extend Mentorthon High School Editions in Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, West Pokot, and Marsabit Counties. We will have a direct reach of over 25,300  Form 4 students in 2024, up from 14,000+ students mentored in 2019, Planting over 50,000 trees (with schools) and Partnering with  1 County (Elgeyo Marakwet) & 3 Constituencies while  focusing expansion to security prone counties.

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Become a mentor

Ways to Volunteer

Mentorthon Foundation President Tim Kipchumba
Team leader

Inspire a group of highschool students into formidable leaders


Capture the essence of mentorthon experience

Social media

Share your social media skills to get more people aware of mentorthon

games and sports
Serve students

Whether its food or story-sharing, sharing something with students means alot

Cars & logistics

If you have a means of transportation that might support this initative, it would be highly appreciated.

Collect data

We want to make mentorthon better through gathering feedback from every stakeholder

Be an Mc

Your confidence can inspire the next Wangari Maathai and Barack Obama


We are passionate in solving problems grounded on research. Your help means a lot!

Join our team

2024 Planning Team

unnamed (6)
unnamed (1)
Dr. Victor Kiplagat
Erustus Ouko
Anita Chesire
unnamed (3)
Emmanuel Kipkemboi
unnamed (4)
Purity Maina
unnamed (5)
Kevin Ruto
Kevin Chesire